Blogs, Part Time Work, Teenagers

Why Youngsters / Teenagers Should Work Part Time?

Contrary to popular belief in Pakistan working a part-time job is a great initiative for youngsters and young adults alike. However many parents and guardians oppose this, why is that so? A lot of parents believe that working a part-time job indicates that you belong to a lower-class family and parents generally have a hard time letting go of their children and allowing them to be independent. However, part-time jobs are helpful in multiple ways:

  1. Sense of self

Working part-time jobs can help people develop a sense of self and help them understand which career path they prefer. Part-time jobs allow for experimentation in which an individual can observe and decide which career may be suitable for them. This helps them hone and improve their skills. If an individual understands the basics and develops a knack for the job it can eventually open up more gateways and lead to more employment opportunities.

  1. Independence

Although this can be a hard step for parents to take, nonetheless is a very important one. Independence allows people to be able to make their own choices and manage their own schedule. A sense of responsibility is placed upon the individual that they are to report at a certain time or finish their work until XYZ deadline. This is especially helpful for those who laze around all day and struggle to manage their time.

  1. Time Management Skills

Keeping the last point in mind, part-time jobs help with time management. Since you won’t be working a full-time job it isn’t as much responsibility but still allows you to get a sense of reality and you are pushed into a situation where you have to manage all your things whilst following a schedule. This allows you to be much more organized too. Though, it may seem intimidating it can be very helpful both skill and mental health-wise.

  1. Opportunity to Earn Money

Though this one may strike as obvious if you are someone who is already working a job or is a student this can be a way to grab some cash. It can also help you learn how to divide and spend your money wisely rather than throwing it all away. For younger people and students who may be working part-time jobs, it can help them save up for something important in the future such as university tuition. It is also much less exhausting than a full-time job as you are clearly working fewer hours.

  1. More Control

As an individual, you get more of a say in your working hours and shifts. Except this, you also have more opportunities to pick and choose from until you find a part-time job that compliments your lifestyle. You also have no limit on how many part-time jobs you can work as long as balance them well and do not exhaust yourself you have an unlimited amount of options. You and your employer also work out a suitable time for your shifts which means that you have time for other activities too.

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