Students, Teenagers, University Admissions

Unique Careers to Pursue After 12th Grade / A Levels

As soon as you pass your 12th grade, it’s time to make the most endearing decision of your life. Once this milestone is achieved, students are both excited and anxious to take one step ahead in their academic journey and towards their career goals. With the advancement in technology and the diversity of career choices available, choosing a specific career track is quite an overwhelming task. To help you with the decision-making process, here we have compiled some unique options high in demand.

Data Scientist

Data exists in multiple forms – you may consider it pervasive. Every organization needs it to better understand the trends and patterns contributing to business growth. One common example is the online shopping platforms. These e-commerce stores use data from consumers across the world to evaluate their existing products and further recommendations. If you are fond of playing with numbers, this might be the perfect career for you.

DevOps Engineer

When we talk about development and operations combined forming an agile relationship, here comes the DevOps Engineer. You will be responsible to follow a set of practices combining IT functionality and software development. The profession is a balance between development and deployment with the ultimate goal of releasing updates in the most efficient way.

Lead Generation Specialist

A lead gen expert is responsible for generating leads and upscale the marketing process. Lead flow process is essential in every organization to follow up with the opportunities and achieve marketing milestones. Both traditional and digital marketing have notably transformed and subsequently obtaining and evaluating information to meet firmographic requirements are important to a sales call.

Robotic Process Automation Consultant

Robotic process automation (RPA) is another profession in demand for its high-end automating and integrating procedures. It tends to use the redesign strategy to automate processes and limit the time and labor. You don’t necessarily to be a technologist to pursue this profession. For instance, a corporate analyst with the ability to evaluate business procedures and how they can be automated can enter this profession.

Information Security Analyst

As data systems are becoming more complicated, the security of information is one of the major concerns. The role of an Information Security Analyst is to protect computer networks activated by government, non-profit organizations, and private corporate firms. They are responsible to set up scalable security tackles to identify and prevent any threats. Also, they standby in case of hacking or data breaches. It’s certainly an intriguing career opportunity.

Gone are the days when students had a few career options to choose from. Careers are evolving with every passing day and so do the numerous opportunities. If you are confused about choosing a suitable career option, consulting a professional career counsellor and undertaking relevant assessments will help. Grow and Outshine!