Career Counselling, Pakistan, Parents

Career Counselling: 5 Common Mistakes Parents Make

Many educational institutes do not provide career guidance with a major focus on preparing students for the exam. The responsibility of parents to keep their children on the right career track is even more important. While encouraging your children to pursue the profession of their interests and aptitude, it is crucial to take into account the market trends and associated risk factors. Here we have discussed the top 5 mistakes parents frequently make when guiding their children.

1 Study abroad without considering further employment

Nowadays, many parents have a preference for sending their child abroad to study. While foreign education has multiple benefits, remember it is not always in demand. Many students end up finding no employment in their homeland once they are back since their ambitions were created with different principles. Study abroad gives students new competencies and acquaintances. However, it is important to be sure about what’s next. The labor market is different in every State so make sure the foreign education does not create any hurdles for the child to start his career.

2 The professional dynasty will not always work

Family traditions and professional dynasties deserve respect. Though if your child does not want to pursue the family business or the profession of parents and grandparents, do not insist or influence. Likewise, do not try to make your child what you have dreamt. The economy has changed and so do the market circumstances. Students are supposed to pursue their dreams instead of the ones they are forced for. It’s time to turn off your egoism and let the child explore what he wants.

3 Career planning based on the current market situation

This is one of the most common mistakes. Many parents do not have enough knowledge of how information technology has influenced the diverse professions, which ones are no longer in demand and which ones will have a bright future in upcoming years. It is important to help the child plan their career with an eye on the market situation in the next 10 years. For this purpose, professional career counselors can help to provide your child reliable and practical career options.

4 Influence, influence, and influence!

If anyone in your close social circle has succeeded in a certain specialty, that doesn’t always mean your child will do the same. Though you can give your children their example of having a successful career, try not to influence their choice to choose the same specialty. Career development involves multiple factors from a child’s interests and capabilities to understanding the country’s market trends.

5 Overlooking the professional assembly

Lack of knowledge and incorrect evaluation of the desired specialty is more likely to result in confusion or disappointment. If your child wants to choose a specific specialty, introduce him to the industry professionals. They must be familiar with the functionality and working conditions.

Let Merafuture help your child with the career journey.