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Social Sciences vs. Natural Sciences

If you search up the term sciences google defines it as ‘the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.’. This term is then further divided into two well-known branches, those being social sciences and natural sciences. 


Natural sciences are what usually comes to mind when you think of sciences. It deals with the physical world and consists of subjects such as chemistry, biology, and physics to name a few. It uses scientific methods and trains students to end up in careers such as doctors, nurses, and engineers.

On the other hand, social sciences are defined as the study of human behaviour, society, relationships etc. It consists of fields such as economics, politics, and law to name a few. Students studying social sciences are being trained to end up in careers such as lawyers, writers, journalists, etc. 


Now that we’ve discussed what social sciences are, what exactly are the benefits of studying them? 

Social sciences is a vast umbrella term under which many subjects reside. It has various sub-branches, including social anthropology, politics and international relations, and law. You can study multiple subjects from different branches. Unlike natural sciences, you have a huge playfield to choose from. You don’t have to stick to one sub-branch. If your school or university allows you the option you can choose to specialize in multiple subjects. For example, you are not obligated to take the typical accounting, business, economics approach and instead you can choose to take any three subjects, even if they aren’t under the same sub-branch.

Except this, social sciences allow you to gain a versatile and wide skill set. Skills including strong communication skills, better research skills, improved emotional intelligence, and the ability to debate effectively become a part of your skillset. 

Social sciences also allow you the opportunity to learn about experiences and opinions that differ from your own. It allows you to use your imagination and creativity to their fullest. It can help change the world for the better by introducing different and more creative ideas from individuals willing to put in the work. Social sciences help broaden your horizons. 

All of these are only a few of the advantages you gain from studying social sciences. Having so many vast fields and subjects under it, each subject has its own advantages and disadvantages. 


Natural sciences involve studying past ideas while also using your own skills to come up with new ideas to brighten your surroundings. Natural sciences help a person improve their analytical and organisational skills. Students engage in lab experiments and research which help them further hone these skills. Furthermore, coming up with hypotheses’ and performing experiments to prove and deduce information helps them come up with well-researched reports with evidence to prove them. 

Improved critical thinking skills is also an added benefit to studying natural sciences. Due to the constant research and observation that goes on whilst studying students unconsciously improve their critical thinking skills. The scientific tests that need to be carried out to prove a hypothesis help a student better their critical thinking skills. 

Studying natural sciences also helps cultivate a passion for learning and understanding the natural world presented in front of students. It helps urge students to ask questions. The concept of gravity, buoyancy, and electricity were all born out of a simple person and their natural instinct to be curious and ask questions. 

Natural sciences help enrich one’s knowledge and keeps pushing students to learn and discover. 


If you are struggling with choosing between the two, you can use this article and also do your own research to decide which branch of sciences is better suited for you. At the end of the day, it all depends on you and where your personal interest lies. However, we hope this article is a contribution is helping you decide which one is better suited for you.