Job, Interview, Salary, Students

5 Jobs for Creative Minds

Often children or young adults who have more creative personalities and minds struggle to think of suitable jobs for themselves. When everyone has a career in mind such as becoming a doctor or engineer it can be easy to feel confused and left out. Thus here are jobs you might want to consider if you lean towards more creative fields.

Landscape Architects

If you’re someone who is completely out of touch with anything other than your creativity this job is not for you. It requires someone who is capable enough to think ahead of time. Costs are to be estimated, environmental effects to be thought about, site plans to be prepared, and much more. However, architecture allows the individual to bring the ideas in their head to life in the form of buildings. The ability to plan for the future and mathematical skills are crucial in such a field.


If you’re someone who is talented at creating 2D or 3D models of characters or animations then this is a suitable job for you. Many fans of animated series and anime tend to create digital art in their spare time due to inspiration. Many anime studios are hiring lately due to the increased popularity of anime due to shows like Avatar the Last Airbender and Attack on Titan gaining popularity in modern media. As a matter of fact, MAPPA (a famous animating studio that has animated many of today’s popular animes such as Kakeguri and Yuri on Ice!!) is currently hiring animators.

Creative Writers

This is a very interesting job as it compiles a lot of factors making the job quite suitable for most people. It is a stay-at-home job, and if you are generally good at writing, you can easily qualify for this job. Nothing special is required for this job if you have a degree or have previous experience it is usually just extra qualification. You can set your profile up on a freelancing website. Usual requests for work include content writing for blogs, synopsis’, articles, etc. Another option can be ghostwriting, this is an option in which you are anonymously writing a piece of writing. Your consent is given that you are completely okay with not being given credit which makes the whole process legal. However, if you are looking to be appreciated for your talent ghostwriting is not the path to go on.

Interior Designer

The way architects design the outside and lay of the area interior designers complement the space by setting up everything from inside. Planning casual spaces from homes to offices for companies and businesses. A job like this can be taxing if you aren’t able to adapt and think quickly. They don’t always have to design the whole house and are usually assigned a certain room or space to decorate and design. They can also consult the architect or other professionals.

Marketing Manager

Marketing managers are the backbone of the marketing department. Companies often have a whole other team dedicated to marketing their product or service. They identify market needs and according to that advertise their product. Due to the sudden wave of e-marketing and social media marketing businesses are in heavy need of someone who can help get their product across to a larger audience.

Take Merafuture’s Aptitude Test to best understand career choices for you. If you are an adult looking to guide the students, you may want to consider a Certification in Career Counselling by Merafuture