Blogs, Students, Teenagers

Gen Z: How to Increase Concentration on Studies?

The attention span of today’s generation has been reduced to an extremely low level. They easily get bored by doing the same thing for even one hour. The situation has further worsened due to online classes and exams during this pandemic. Students have to read everything from their PCs or laptops. It has become really difficult for them to study while giving their undivided attention, which leads to low levels of concentration. There are several study techniques that can help students increase concentration and some of them are as follows:

Try to sit in an appropriate study environment

Preferably sit in a library or a private study area with minimum distractions. Sometimes, sitting in fresh air is also good for concentrating. It is important to keep in mind that everybody has their own preferences for studying environment. Try different techniques and choose the one that suits you the most.

Keep all your study material with you

Before you start studying, make sure that you have gathered all study material and stationery including books, notes, highlighter, notebook, pen etc. In this way, you will not have to disrupt yourself to get something while you are “in the zone”.

Do not compromise on sleep

Sleep is basically a necessity rather than an option. It helps humans to declutter their brain cells. So it is necessary to sleep before one starts studying otherwise, they will lose focus after a while. To maintain healthy brain activity, it is important to sleep for at least 7 hours each night. One should maintain consistency in their sleeping pattern, otherwise sharp changes will negatively affect the quality of sleep.

Put aside all the unnecessary electronic gadgets

It gets distracting if one keeps texting or using a laptop while studying. It is important to wind up your chats with your friends before studying and keep your phone on silent or away from you. In this way, you will not be disturbed by any incoming message, call or notification.

Establish a schedule

To keep things organized, it is preferable to make a schedule for study time. While doing so, make sure to study at that time when you are more energetic and have had an ample amount of sleep. This increases one’s ability to focus and retain.

A healthy mind is the outcome of a healthy body

To increase concentration, you must focus on your health. Try to avoid fast food because research proves that it negatively influences that part of the brain which is responsible for retaining information. One should go for a walk or a run. It will increase blood flow into the brain and will result in the growth of new neural connections. Hence, your focus will further sharpen.

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